Halloween Series Wiki
Halloween Series Wiki

"I always knew he'd come back. In this town, Michael Myers is a myth. He's the Boogeyman. A ghost story to scare kids. But this Boogeyman is real. An evil like his never stops, it just grows older. Darker. More determined. Forty years ago, he came to my home to kill. He killed my friends, and now he's back to finish what he started, with me. The one person who's ready to stop him."
Laurie Strode[src]

Michael Audrey Myers is the main antagonist of the Halloween franchise.

In the newer trilogy which makes up most of the 2018 Timeline, he is the main antagonist in the first two films, Halloween, and Halloween Kills, and the unseen overarching antagonist in the first half of Halloween Ends, before re-emerging as the main antagonist in the later portion of the film.

As a six-year-old child, Michael was admitted into a psychiatric hospital for murdering his older sister, Judith Myers. After nearly 15 years of captivity, Myers broke out of the asylum and returned home to Haddonfield to kill again.

Unlike his previous incarnations, this version of Michael Myers is more human and less supernatural, retaining the stab and gunshot wounds he received from Laurie and Loomis, respectively, in 1978. And unlike said counterparts variously coming back after an apparent death, this Michael survived all the way until meeting his ultimate demise.

Physical appearance[]

Halloween (1978)[]

Michael Myers is a tall man of thin build with fair skin, dark curly hair and brown eyes. He wears dark blue mechanic coveralls, black boots and a white mask with partially-shaved brown hair.

Halloween (2018)[]

Michael Myers also wears dark blue mechanic's coveralls with black boots. He is almost bald with gray hair, with some dark tones at the back and a gray beard. He is blind in his left eye and he loses two fingers in his battle with Laurie. He wears his old mask that he used 40 years ago, now withered and cracked with brown hair pulled back.

Halloween Kills[]

Michael Myers is worse for wear. His mask has a dark burn on the left side, his coveralls have some scorch marks, and he he has bandages around his missing fingers. The left side of his face is beardless due to burns and his blind left eye is yellowed.

Halloween Ends[]

Michael Myers has grown weak. His coveralls are full of moss and bullet holes (made by a member of the previous film's mob) and his mask now has mold and mildew. Now he has long, dirty gray hair with some burn marks and some small blisters. His left eye is closed.



Michael Audrey Myers was born on October 19th, 1957 to Peter and Edith Myers, being their youngest and their only son. He had an older sister named Judith, and the family resided in a two-story house at 45 Lampkin Lane in the suburban town of Haddonfield, Illinois. Growing up, Michael began displaying an odd behavior. Unlike other children of his age, he spent most of the time watching from his older sister's bedroom window, staring at his own reflection.

On October 31th, 1963, Michael committed his first act of murder. His parents were away, and he was at home with his sister Judith who was supposed to be babysitting him, but cared more about spending an intimate moment with her boyfriend, Danny. After Danny left, Michael, dressed in a clown costume, went into the kitchen, picked up a kitchen knife, walked up the steps, and stabbed Judith to death. He then quietly walked back downstairs and into the front yard where his parents had just arrived home, his father took off his clown mask and he and his wife stared at him in shock.[1]

Young Michael Myers

At age six, Michael Myers murders his older sister on Halloween night 1963

Michael was taken into custody of the Illinois Department of Public Safety - Juvenile Justice.[2] Authorities at the time stated that he would probably not be charged with first-degree murder, pending a psychological evaluation.[2] After the evaluation, it was ordered that Michael undergo psychiatric treatment. He was labeled "Patient A-2201", sentenced to Smith's Grove Sanitarium and assigned to the psychiatrist Doctor Samuel Loomis. His stay at Smith's Grove lasted 15 years, and in those years Michael almost never moved and did not speak a word. By the time Michael was fourteen, Loomis came to the stunning conclusion that there was no way to help the boy, concluding that he had no actual motive in his homicidal actions, being purely and simply evil, and wanted nothing more than to destroy peace. Thus, he became obsessed in keeping Michael trapped, and made it his duty to try to keep him locked away, to ensure nobody would ever be harmed by Michael.

The night he came home[]

On October 30th, 1978, Dr. Loomis and Nurse Marion Chambers were arriving at the facility to transfer twenty-one-year-old Myers for his court hearing. When they arrived, the two saw several patients outside the Sanitarium (obviously, this was Michael's doing). Loomis got out of the car and went to the gate, while Michael climbed on top of the car, alerting Marion. Michael pulled Marion's hair, but she managed to free herself and go to the other side of the car, only for Michael to crack the car door window with a slap. As frightened Marion got out of the car, Michael took advantage of this, getting in the car, and driving to Haddonfield. On the way, Michael killed a truck driver to steal his boiler suit. After that, Michael arrived at Haddonfield and stayed in his old childhood home.[1]

The next day, on Halloween, a teenaged girl named Laurie Strode dropped off a key at the Myers house for her realtor father and was noticed by Michael. He proceeded to stalk her and her friends Annie and Lynda throughout the afternoon. He also stole Judith's gravestone from the local cemetery, and broke into Nichol's Hardware Store to acquire knives, rope, and a Halloween mask. Meanwhile, Dr. Loomis had followed Michael to Haddonfield and warned town sheriff Leigh Brackett of the danger he posed.[1]

Annie's Corpse

Annie's corpse with Judith's gravestone

That night, as Laurie and Annie were babysitting across the street from each other, Michael watched them from the shadows. He murdered Annie first, strangling her in her car as she left to meet her boyfriend, before slitting her throat.[1]


Michael after getting shot by Loomis

Later, Lynda and her own boyfriend Bob showed up, only to fall victim to Michael as well. Worried about her missing friends, Laurie crossed the street to investigate, only to find Annie's body arranged under Judith Myers' gravestone, and Lynda and Bob hidden in the closets. Michael lunged at Laurie, catching her on the arm with his knife, and she ran for help. Michael followed her across the street, and Laurie was forced to stab him with both a knitting needle and his own knife. Michael rose to resume his attack on Laurie, only to get his mask yanked off and giving her a chance to see his face. Dr. Loomis appeared and shot him six times, causing him to fall off the balcony. When Loomis went to check Michael's body, he found it missing. Unsurprised, Loomis stared out into the night.[1]

Aftermath of the 1978 murders[]

Michael arrest 1978

Michael arrested following his killing spree

After being shot and falling from the balcony, Michael was walking normally through Haddonfield until stopped by Frank Hawkins. Hawkins told Michael to stop, Michael looked back and saw Hawkins but ignored him and went around the corner. Hawkins took a shot but it was too late. While Michael was walking down the sidewalk, he found Lonnie Elam on the ground, the boy cowered and asked Michael not to kill him. Michael went to the other side of the street and entered his old childhood home, after which Hawkins and his partner Pete McCabe entered the house, but there was no sign of Michael. The two policemen separated, McCabe went to Judith's old room, looked down and saw a boot print, he looked at the window and said that Haddonfield was a quiet town and nothing too much happened, when Michael emerged from the closet next door and hit McCabe against the wall several times and strangled him with a piece of rope. Hawkins appeared and told Michael to release his partner, otherwise he would shoot, but Michael continued, and Hawkins accidentally shot his partner in the neck. Michael dropped McCabe's body on the floor, Hawkins opened fire again but hit the window, and Michael went down the stairs with Hawkins following him and shooting, but again missing. Michael was then surrounded by the Haddonfield Sheriff's Department along with Dr. Loomis, after which a police officer behind Michael hit him in the leg with a baton, making him kneel, and two other blows to the head left Michael unconscious on the ground. Loomis aimed his revolver at Michael's head, but Hawkins stops Loomis from shooting him, and Michael was again imprisoned in Smith's Grove.[3]

40 years later[]

Michael Myers without mask Halloween 2018

A partial glimpse of Michael's face

Forty years pass and during that time, Michael came under the care of another doctor named Dr. Ranbir Sartain. Despite Dr. Sartain's efforts to understand Michael's motives and thoughts behind the killings, Michael remains silent and closed off. The day before Michael is scheduled to be transferred to a new facility, two podcasters named Aaron and Dana arrive and wish to see him. Michael does not acknowledge their presence, although he does show just a moment of interest for the first time in 40 years when Aaron reveals his old mask to him, and for a split second, Michael peeks over his shoulder at it, but then immediately resumes his catatonic nature. The next night, Michael is loaded onto a prison bus and manages to escape after it crashes into a ditch. Killing the security guards escorting him, Michael notices a car stopping nearby and kills both occupants before hijacking their car. He travels to Haddonfield and finds Aaron and Dana recording in front of his sister Judith's grave, then follows them to a car service station. After killing a mechanic for his boiler suit and the attendant by ripping his jaw open, he traps Dana in the bathroom. He drops some human teeth (from the torn jaw of the attendant) into the stall she's hiding in and attacks her. Aaron, who had found the bodies of the mechanic and attendant, tries to save her, but is killed by getting his head slammed repeatedly against the bathroom wall and stall door; Dana is then strangled to death. Michael opens the trunk of their car and reclaims his mask.[2]

Later that night, Michael starts killing off the residents of Haddonfield. He first invades the home of a woman and bludgeons her to death with a hammer; he takes a nearby kitchen knife and leaves behind the hammer. Then, Michael goes into the home of a nearby neighbor and stabs her through the neck after slamming her head into the corner of the table. Michael also kills babysitter Vicky and her boyfriend Dave before coming face to face with Laurie for the first time in forty years; she shoots him in the shoulder, but this does little to affect him and he gets away. He encounters Oscar in a yard and kills him by stabbing him in the back and impaling his head on a gate lined with spikes. Michael then spots Laurie's granddaughter Allyson, but loses track of her. Walking down an abandoned street, Michael gets run over by Hawkins, who is now a Sheriff's Deputy. Hawkins tries to finish Michael off by shooting him in the head but is saved when Dr. Sartain, who was in the car with Allyson, stabs Hawkins in the neck instead. Sartain takes Michael's mask and drags Michael into the back of the car. Michael eventually comes to and puts back on his mask before kicking the metal partition and sending Sartain into the airbag, causing the car to stop. He kills Sartain by crushing his head against the ground with his boot. Allyson is able to escape while Michael is occupied. Michael notices another squad car approaching and kills the two officers inside; he cuts one's throat and stabs him in the head, then decapitates the other, sticking a flashlight inside the hollowed out head as a macabre imitation of a jack-o-lantern.[2]

The Shape "Burns"

Michael trapped

He arrives at the home of Laurie and sees her son-in-law Ray come out to check on the two deceased officers. After killing him as well, he breaks through the door and tries to get to Laurie. However, Michael gets two fingers blown off when Laurie manages to shoot him again with a shotgun. After breaking in, he stalks Laurie throughout the secure house and eventually traps her upstairs; he throws Laurie off the roof but is somewhat surprised to see her not lying on the ground. Hearing Allyson reaches the house, Michael heads downstairs and hears the Strodes in the underground safe room underneath the kitchen. Michael manages to get through by lifting off the counter that was covering the entrance but is shot again by both Laurie and Karen; stunned by the gunshots, Michael tumbles down the stairwell and loses his knife. As they try to escape, Michael grabs Karen's ankle but Allyson stabs him several times, causing him to let go. Laurie activates several metal bars that block the stairwell, trapping Michael in the safe room, and an open gas line starts leaking gas into the house. Michael stares blankly up at Laurie, who tosses a flare into the room, setting it ablaze.[2]

Continued rampage[]


Michael preparing to take out the firefighters

Despite seemingly being left for dead inside the inferno, Michael managed to survive by hiding inside a metal partition inside the underground bunker. As firefighters came to extinguish the blaze, one fell through the weakened kitchen floor into the bunker; hearing this, Michael revealed himself and killed the firefighter by stabbing him through the head with a Halligan bar; he then pulled another in through the hole in the floor and killed him as well. Upon emerging from the still burning house, Michael kills the remaining firefighters and first responders before heading towards a nearby house to raid its bathroom for medical supplies to treat his injured hand with. He punches through a door and kills one of the residents, Phil Dickerson, by slamming his head against the wall and impales him on the door shards before coming across the other resident Sondra Dickerson; seeing that she is wielding a knife, Michael merely breaks a long kitchen light fixture and jams it through her throat. After stabbing Phil's body with numerous kitchen knives, Michael takes the remaining one and steals a vehicle, driving back towards Haddonfield.[4]

Michael comes across a trio of kids and follows them to a nearby park, killing one of them before being found by a grown up Lindsey Wallace. Ignoring her, he targets her SUV parked nearby with three people inside including former nurse Marion Chambers who used to work with Dr. Loomis. As Michael stabs Marion to death, he is nearly strangled by Marcus; however, Michael stabs him in the face with his knife. The remaining occupant, Vanessa, tries shooting him several times, but Michael kicks one of the car doors into her arm and redirects the gun at her when it fires. He begins to stalk Lindsey through the nearby woods, but loses sight of her and returns to the park to pose the bodies.[4]


Michael surrounded by the mob

Upon arriving at his old childhood home, Michael breaks in and hides upstairs. While the current homeowners look for him, Michael kills Big John by stabbing him under the arm and gouging his eyes out; his partner Little John enters and Michael kills him too. The now adult Lonnie enters the darkened house looking for Michael and is killed, his body stuffed into the attic crawlspace. He then stabs Lonnie's son Cameron several times in the stomach only to be stopped by Allyson. He disarms Allyson and shoves her down the stairs before returning to Cameron and mortally wounding him; while he is lured downstairs, Michael stops on the stairwell when he notices Cameron is still barely alive and kills him by breaking his neck. Before he can kill Allyson, Michael is stabbed in the back by Karen using a pitchfork and has his mask taken from him. Michael goes outside and follows Karen to a nearby street where his mask is laid out in the road. When Michael goes to take it, he finds himself surrounded by a mob of Haddonfield residents including Karen, the retired Sheriff Brackett and Tommy Doyle. Pausing to pick up his mask and don it again, Michael is then swarmed by the mob and severely beaten nearly to death; as he weakly reaches to grab his knife, Karen takes it and stabs him in the back.


Michael ambushes Karen

A now motionless Michael is about to be shot in the head by Brackett when he suddenly lunges back up and slashed Brackett's throat; he then goes and kills most of (if not all) the other members of the mob. The final one he kills is Tommy, taking his own baseball bat and beating him to death with it before going back to his home. Michael goes back to his sister's room and sees Karen staring out the window; he ambushes Karen and stabs her repeatedly to death before gazing outside the window himself.[4]

An end to the killings[]


Michael, four years later

After killing Karen, Michael disappears from his childhood home and takes refuge in a sewer system located near the outskirts of Haddonfield. As a result of the injuries Michael had sustained that night, he was left severely weakened and unable to carry out another rampage on the following Halloweens. Michael does not emerge from the sewer for nearly four years, but a nearby homeless man noted that anyone that got near his hideout was never seen again after being taken inside; so Michael was at least strong enough to kill one person at a time. Paranoia is spread among the residents and many acts of violence are caused, with some residents even committing suicide as a result. Several days before Halloween, Michael hears a confrontation and spots a young man named Corey Cunningham being thrown from a bridge, who lands near his makeshift refuge; he takes the youth into the sewer system and begins strangling him. However, he somehow senses the same darkness and evil inside him and lets Corey live.


Michael almost kills Corey

Several days later, Michael sees that Corey has returned and that he lured a police officer named Doug, who was harassing him into the sewer; Michael attacks Doug, but he is suddenly and shockingly overpowered by Doug quite easily, indicating that Michael has become crippled over the four years he has been hiding. Corey intervenes and disorients Doug by hitting him in the left temple with the officer's flashlight before asking Michael to show him how to kill. Michael responds by pulling out a rusty kitchen knife from the cavern wall, rising slowly and walking with a hunch. However, Michael still retains some degree of strength it seems, as he still manages to perfectly slash Doug's throat with enough force that both him and Corey are pushed to the ground. Seizing the opportunity, Michael stabs Doug in the torso twice. Suddenly, he begins twitching violently, almost as if he is having a seizure, before stabbing Doug again repeatedly and with much more force each time. When he is finally done, Michael once again stands straight and is breathing steadily again, as if killing Doug caused him to recover from his crippled condition. Michael emerges from the sewers and follows Corey to the home of Laurie Strode, watching the latter from a distance while she herself is watching Corey go upstairs with Allyson. Corey later plans on murdering Dr. Mathis and a nurse, both who had wronged Allyson. Corey murders the doctor before noticing the nurse, who screams upon witnessing the murder. She manages to evade Corey by locking herself in the bedroom and attempts to call for help, only for Michael, who had earlier snuck into the house, to ambush her by grabbing her neck, charging and slamming her against the wall, choking her. Michael lifts her up several inches above the floor before stabbing her and pinning her to the wall with a knife, just as he did with Bob in 1978. Taking several steps back, Michael stares at the nurse's corpse and tilts his head as he admires the kill.[5]

On Halloween day, Michael spots Corey again in the sewers and the teen demands Michael to give him his mask; Michael refuses and the two begin fighting the other. Despite putting up a struggle, Michael is beaten and knocked unconscious while Corey dons the mask and leaves. Michael gets back up and follows him to Laurie Strode's house and while she is distracted, Michael takes back his mask and breaks a wounded Corey's neck to kill him. He then stalks Laurie through the house and soon hears movement inside the kitchen pantry. He slowly approaches the pantry before he is distracted by food exploding in the microwave. Laurie bursts through the closet and disarms Michael with a fire extinguisher before attempting to beat him with it. Michael soon disarms Laurie and beats her against the table and a glass cabinet before throwing her to the floor and pushing his foot against her neck. Laurie manages to free herself by kicking Michael's other leg and quickly gets up, only for Michael to once again grab her and slam her repeatedly against the refrigerator. Then he attempts to cut off Laurie's fingers by forcing her hand into the running garbage disposal before she headbutts Michael to get him off of her. Michael then grabs Laurie by the throat and throws her over the kitchen table. After hitting the floor, Laurie arms herself with a knitting needle and attempts to stab Michael in the neck when he approaches her, but Michael grabs her hand and clenches it around the needle and drives it into her skull. Laurie quickly frees herself again by grabbing Michael's mask and removing it, causing him to be distracted as he rushes to put it back on. Seizing the opportunity, Laurie grabs Michael's knife and stabs it through his left hand, pinning it to the table. She then grabs another knife before wrestling him to the table and stabbing him in the heart. Michael at first seems dead, but then quickly revives and lunges forward and throws Laurie off of him. After she is slammed into the fridge, Laurie pins Michael's other hand to the table with her knife, before throwing the fridge down onto him. Now Michael is unable to move at all, and Laurie pulls out another knife again and stabs him in the side. She removes his mask, tells him everything she has been through with him, and finally acknowledges him as a man, not the boogeyman, before slashing his throat to bleed him out. Suddenly, Michael pulls his hand free from the table, albeit by slicing his own hand in half, and proceeds to strangle Laurie with his heavily injured hand. Laurie begins seeing her life flash before her eyes, as if she expects both of them to die together. However, Allyson returns, having learned of the truth of Corey's death from Hawkins calling her, and breaks Michael's arm after prying him off of her. Laurie then slashes Michael's wrist as well. Eventually, Michael loses too much blood and finally dies.[5]

Not wanting to take any chances that Michael may revive again, his body is tied down to the roof of Laurie's car and is driven to a nearby junkyard in a midnight procession and placed inside an industrial shredder. Allyson turns on the machine and Laurie pushes Michael's body into the blades, completely destroying any trace of the killer and ending his reign of terror for good.[5]


Despite the multiple disorders Michael has displayed, not unlike other human beings, he has been described by some as pure evil for his actions, and as showing no emotion as well.

  • Sociopathy: Michael is a violent sociopath, showing no regard for human life, whatsoever, either be it if it's an elderly adult, a small child, or a teenager. He also displays a hunter/prey mentality; when he noticed a young crying baby in a crib, he chose not to kill it and simply walked away from it, seeing it as nothing worth a challenge or a threat for or to him, displaying a more and pure savage mentality of killing. He is incapable of having any sense of morality, empathy or remorse. Michael has no interest, enthusiasm, or concern for anyone or anything, and just kills on a whim.[2]
  • High Pain Tolerance: Michael appears to have a high pain tolerance. This was shown repeatedly throughout his rampage in Haddonfield after taking a revolver shot to the shoulder from Laurie and walking it off as if nothing happened, getting hit by an SUV at full speed and only being knocked out, having some of his fingers blown off by a shotgun, and taking a gunshot to the face. He has occasionally let out a small grunt or moan due to the damage he has sustained, such as when his fingers were shot off, among other instances.[2] In spite of all of this, Michael continued to be a near-unstoppable force, showing no signs of being affected by any of the damage he receives, even to vital organs, such as being stabbed in the stomach or the neck, or even being shot six times.[1]


Over the course of three films in this specific timeline, Michael is shown to be an almost-supernatural force, close to what John Carpenter envisioned him to be, making him human, yet not quite human at the same time.

  • Superhuman Strength: In many circumstances during both of his rampages, Michael shows unimaginable strength, unrivaled by any of his victims. An example of this is when he kills Bob during his first murder spree in Haddonfield, after he grabs him by the throat with one hand, picks him up, slams him against the door, and begins choking him, before finally stabbing him with his knife. He stabs Bob with such force, the blade goes through his body, and through the door behind him, holding him in place at least four inches off the ground.[1] He also tore a kitchen counter (which could only be moved through machinery) from its foundation with his bare hands during his second spree. Michael also powerful enough to stomp Dr. Sartain’s head into a bloody paste, kick a police partition off of its hingers, effortlessly overpower a lynch mob, and destroy a baseball bat by smashing it against Tommy Doyle’s head. However after spending four years in hiding, Michael’s powers have become weaker and he was not as strong as he used to be. This allowed him to be overpowered by strong opponents like Corey and by Laurie in their final fight.[2]
  • Superhuman Durability: Michael's tolerance for punishment makes him seem almost immortal. He is shown to be able to take bullet wounds, stab wounds, and falls with relative ease. While on his first rampage, Michael was stabbed in the stomach, stabbed in the neck, stabbed in the eye, shot six times, and fell off a balcony. Right after the fact, he simply got back on his feet and disappeared into the night.[1] After his escape 40 years later, and second killing spree, Michael, at the age of 61, survived a bus crash from which he was able to escape captivity, got hit in the head with a crowbar during his short fight with Aaron, which did not seem to slow him down, got shot in the shoulder, got two of his fingers shot off, got shot in the chin, and stabbed with a knife in his hand and arm.[2] After escaping from Laurie's house, he continued displaying feats of unbelievable durability as he barely reacted to getting hit in the face with a bag full of bricks and he survived multiple blows, stabbings and gunshot wounds at the hands of a mob, even getting stabbed with a pitchfork in the back and stomped on the head. This was enough to temporarily make him struggle to move and knock him unconscious. Despite this extreme punishment, he managed to seemingly fully recover a couple of minutes later without any issues.[4] However, prior to his dispatching of the mob, before he was stabbed in the back by Karen, he appeared to be weakened as he tried to reach for his knife, implying that he was close to dying, just not that much. Michael’s injuries left him in a somewhat crippled state, causing him to walk with a hunch. He had regressed back to practically a normal human and was not as durable as he used to be. Due to this, he was a lot easier to take down, which allowed Laurie to kill him with only so much effort in their final encounter.
  • Superhuman Stamina: From the moment he escaped imprisonment, Michael displayed no signs of having rested as he travelled to Haddonfield, prepared for his killings, and began stalking down his victims.[1]. Even after being stabbed and shot six times, immediately followed up by a two-storey fall, he continued to leisurely walk around Haddonfield[3]. After being shot in the face, stabbed in the back, and consumed in the flames of a burning basement[2],Michael escaped the residence and proceeded to take down a team of firefighters before continuing his massacre.[4]
  • Evil Incarnate: Dialogue from Halloween Kills and further exploration in Halloween Ends, goes to explain more about Michael’s legend, as Laurie Strode said: "I always thought Michael Myers was flesh and blood, just like you and me. But a mortal man could not have survived what he's lived through. The more he kills, the more he transcends into something else impossible to defeat. Fear. People are afraid. That is the true curse of Michael." A sign that the more the Shape kills, the more fear he instills over Haddonfield. At the end of Kills, Michael is beaten, stabbed, and shot by Tommy Doyle's mob, which at first seems to drive him to near death. However, when Sheriff Brackett attempts to shoot Michael in the back of his skull, the Shape quickly grabs his knife and slashes Brackett's throat, and then proceeds to slaughter the rest of the mob. After the events of this night, Haddonfield was left devastated and traumatized by the massacre, which left scores of people dead and the perpetrator at large. An extensive manhunt failed to find any trace of Michael Myers, and the community lived in terror of his return, though this fear abated with time. The unresolved trauma of the massacre made Haddonfield a bleaker, crueler place. The citizens were distrustful and fearful of each other, and the town experienced a rise in violent crime and suicide that had nothing directly to do with Michael. Many people sought out scapegoats for their pain, targeting Laurie Strode for "provoking" Michael and later turning on Corey Cunningham for his accidental killing of Jeremy Allen on Halloween 2019. In Ends, Michael at first seems to have been rendered crippled from the mob's beatdown, even to the point that he needs assistance from the secondary antagonist, Corey, to kill a police officer. However, after killing the cop, Michael is shown to recover from his crippled condition and regains some of his lost strength from “feeding off the kill.”

Human victims[]

Halloween (1978)[]

  1. Judith Myers: Stabbed nine times
  2. Mechanic: Beaten to death
  3. Annie Brackett: Strangled and throat slit
  4. Robert Simms: Impaled with knife
  5. Lynda Van der Klok: Strangled with phone cord

Halloween (2018)[]

  1. Bus driver: Killed off-screen
  2. Haskell: Head wound
  3. Kuneman: Head wound
  4. Kevin's father: Neck snapped
  5. Kevin: Neck snapped
  6. Mechanic: Beaten to death
  7. Gas station clerk: Jaw ripped open
  8. Aaron Joseph-Korey: Head smashed against wall and stall door
  9. Dana Haines: Neck snapped
  10. Gina Panchella: Bludgeoned over the head with a hammer
  11. Andrea Wagner: Stabbed through the neck with a knife
  12. Vicky: Stabbed twice in the back
  13. Dave: Stabbed through the neck onto the wall
  14. Oscar: Stabbed in the back, impaled through the mouth with a gate
  15. Dr. Ranbir Sartain: Head crushed with foot
  16. Officer Richards: Throat slit, stabbed in the head with a pen-knife
  17. Officer Francis: Decapitated; head hollowed out into a crude jack-o-lantern with a flashlight
  18. Ray Nelson: Strangled

Halloween Kills[]

  1. Tom Bentley: Bludgeoned with Halligan bar
  2. Firefighter #2: Stabbed through eye with Halligan bar
  3. Firefighter #3: Stabbed through eye with Halligan bar
  4. Firefighter #4: Impaled with Halligan bar
  5. Firefighter #5: Chest sliced with circular saw
  6. Firefighter #6: Killed off-screen
  7. Firefighter #7: Killed off-screen
  8. Firefighter #8: Killed off-screen
  9. Firefighter #9: Killed off-screen
  10. Firefighter #10: Killed off-screen
  11. Firefighter #11: Killed off-screen
  12. Phil Dickerson: Neck impaled on glass and stabbed in back with multiple knives
  13. Dennis: Decapitated
  14. Marion Chambers: Stabbed four times in chest
  15. Marcus Wilson: Stabbed in the eye
  16. Vanessa Wilson: Car-door kicked into gun causing her to shoot herself in head
  17. Big John: Stabbed in armpit and eyes gouged out
  18. Little John: Stabbed in chest
  19. Lonnie Elam: Mangled
  20. Cameron Elam: Stabbed twice in stomach and neck broken
  21. Leigh Brackett: Throat slashed
  22. Mob member #1: Stabbed in the throat
  23. Mob member #2: Stabbed in the head
  24. Mob member #3: Throat slashed
  25. Mob member #4: Throat slashed
  26. Mob member #5: Stabbed in the heart
  27. Mob member #6: Stabbed in the back
  28. Mob member #7: Stabbed through the wrist
  29. Mob member #8: Slashed on the side
  30. Mob member #9: Slashed on the face
  31. Mob member #10: Slashed on the chest
  32. Tommy Doyle: Head bashed in
  33. Karen Nelson: Stabbed

Halloween Ends[]

  1. Doug Mulaney: Throat slashed and stabbed repeatedly in chest
  2. Deb Jennings: Stabbed in chest and pinned to wall
  3. Corey Cunningham: Neck broken

Animal victims[]


  1. Female dog in the Myers house: Slammed against a wall and eaten
  2. Lester: Strangled


  1. Dog: Hanged from a tree (deleted scene)

Behind the scenes[]

When deciding to ignore all other sequels for the new timeline, both director/writer David Gordon Green and co-writer Danny McBride elected to bring the Michael Myers character back to his original concept, which was established by John Carpenter and Debra Hill. Making him more human, but also an unstoppable force with unexplained abilities and powers.

Making Laurie Strode his target in the 2018 film proved to be difficult once they chose to do without the brother/sister connection. It was then decided that it was best to show that Myers actually does not initially target her, or possibly even remember her, but Laurie’s obsession and Dr. Sartain’s mission lead to their confrontation.

Initially, both Green and McBride planned for two sequels taking place on the same night, with the second of their films' future being entirely dependent on the potential success of their first. With the 2018 film becoming very successful, Miramax wanted to go with a trilogy of sequels, allowing Green and McBride to extend the story.

Halloween Kills allowed them to show Myers at his most violent, while keeping him a blank slate and making him seem supernatural.

With Halloween Ends, production delays brought along by COVID forced both Green and McBride to reconsider their initial plans on keeping the trilogy’s story on the same night. However, they viewed this as a benefit for the development of the Myers character. This allowed them to show that Myers was indeed psychotic and homicidal but also human.

While they were thoroughly pleased with the direction they were taking the character in, making it sustain a further full-length sequel proved to be difficult, and ultimately impossible. They simply could not stretch the story between Michael and Laurie into yet another movie. Corey Cunningham’s story was developed to rectify this issue. While Myers was not physically in the film for long, Green and McBride used the Cunningham character to keep him spiritually there until the conclusion.


While Halloween Kills and Ends were negatively received by most fans and critics, James Jude Courtney’s portrayal of Michael Myers was met with praise for all three sequel films. While many were pleased with David Gordon Green's attempts to humanize Myers in the 2018 film, most felt this was completely undone with Kills' more brutal and seemingly supernatural version of the character. They felt Kills made Myers' weaker state and eventual death in Ends less convincing.

Courtney would eventually respond to the reception for Ends. “We knew we were taking a huge risk with the third film, but that’s the nature of the business. Some are going to like it and others aren’t.”

David Gordon Green would also respond. “I knew that backlash was inevitable when it came to killing Michael Myers, no matter how it was done. However, in this genre or any genre these days, there’s always ways to bring these characters back. I dare say Michael will turn up again in theaters.”


Alternate ending script[]

Notes and trivia[]

  • This is by far the oldest incarnation of Michael Myers at 61 years old, and later 65 in the final film.
  • In Halloween Kills, it is observed that this Michael's motivation is going back home following a murder spree.
  • This may be the most brutal incarnation of Michael Myers to-date, as he ripped the jaw off one of his victims, murdered two children in their early teens, hollowed out a decapitated head to use as a jack-o-lantern, and took down an entire firefighter team.
  • This version of Michael has slain a total of 66 victims.
  • Along with Laurie, Michael is one of two characters to appear in both the 1978 Halloween film and the 2018 Halloween film.
  • Halloween Kills is the first movie in the franchise in which both Michael and Laurie appear, but do not interact with each other.
  • This is the second incarnation of Michael to live in the sewers after the H20 incarnation.
  • Halloween Ends features Michael's lowest kill count in a movie in the entire franchise and the only time he has killed less people than another character.
  • Michael kills all of Allyson's boyfriends, murdering Cameron in Kills and both Doug and Corey in Ends.
  • Loomis, Laurie, and Lindsey are the only named characters from the original film that Michael does not later kill in this timeline.
  • Allyson and Sondra are the only characters introduced in the 2018 trilogy who survived after Michael tried to kill them.
  • Joan Cunningham blamed Michael and his disappearance for ruining her son's life, believing that the town of Haddonfield turned her son Corey into a boogeyman because their previous one went away.
  • Along with Corey, Michael is one of two people to try killing Laurie in her home in Ends before being killed themselves.
  • This is the second incarnation of Michael where he truly dies, the first being 2009's Halloween II. Michael was left alive by the final film in both the 4-6 and H20 Timelines, however, a Halloween comic series by Chaos! Comics was made that connected the 4-6 Timeline to H20 (this was made before Resurrection was released). In the comic, Michael is killed by his sister, Laurie. Upon Resurrection's release, Michael's death was retconned and the person Laurie ended up killing was a paramedic, leaving Michael alive throughout the movie. However, in one of Resurrection's alternate endings, Michael was indeed killed.
  • It is believed that Michael lured people into the sewers and ate them, due to Corey finding skinned remains in Halloween Ends' deleted and extended scenes.

